White season

5 Day 4 Nights in Central Hokkaido - Biel / Furano / Tomamu [Larry Koh]
Japan has always been a destination in mind to travel to, for the longest time. So when the invite came for a Familiarization (Fam) trip to Central Hokkaido, you can only imagine how ecstatic and excited I was! Courtesy of the Tourism office of Hokkaido, I got to travel to Central Hokkaido, specifically Biel, Furano, and the Ski resorts of Hoshino Resorts, Tomamu!..........

After the trip representing Xtrekkers to the Southern part of Hokkaido Island, another invitation came out to check out the central parts of Hokkaido – Furano, Biei and Hoshino Resorts Tomamu – thanks to the Tourism office of Hokkaido............

Beauty & Travel Content Creator [Chloe teo]
Profile/ A blogger, A content creator of beauty & travel, A photographer
A blog “Because We Venture” created with her partner, Benjamin, featured in a women’s magazine because its posts, making up, fashions, travels, information of featured products, and so on, appeal to women’s mind. She says “Let’s travel together and get lost in beautiful places!” and has called on subscribers to share beautiful impressive memories via traveling around the world.

겨울 일본 북해도 여행 5박 6일 여심저격 코스 2탄 에필로그[콩쥐강쥐]
겨울 일본 북해도 홋카이도 여행 5박 6일 여심저격 코스 2탄 에필로그
일본 북해도 여행은 늘 재밌었지만 이번이 특히나 역대급으로 재밌었는데요 다들 한 개그 하기도 했지만 설경과 함께 쉬지 않고 먹고 수다로 털고
홋카이도는 2018년의 마무리 여행이기도 했는데 뽀드득 뽀드득 눈 밟는 소리 즐기면서 왜 이렇게 안 춥냐고 투덜거리다 급기야 외투를 벗고 다니기도 할 만큼 예상 밖의 홋카이도 날씨에 당황하기도 했습니다. 서울이 더 추워요! 또, 여행 첫날은 삿포로 신치토세 공항의 기상상황이 좋지 않다며 상공에서 30분 넘게 빙빙 도는 바람에 살짝 멀미가 나기도 했지만 현지에 도착한 순간 공기가 너무 맑아 머리가 한방에 뻥 뚫리더라고요. 역시 북해도라며 시내로 달려봅니다!
Green season

Furano full of summer fun beyond wintry appeal
The city of Furano is the pulse of Japan's Hokkaido prefecture[ASNAH AHMAD]
When friends and family heard that I was heading for Hokkaido last month, the first thing on their to-do list for me was to eat the succulent melons this northern island in Japan is known for.
That, and visit the famous lavender fields.
Personally, I could only visualise snow-capped mountains that often pop up on my social media news feed. It being summer in Japan, so my expectations were a blur at this point.

Farm-fresh food, flower fields & lots of fun
7 reasons to visit Biei & Furano
Here are some of the top highlights to be found in this corner of central Hokkaido that has a bit of everything.
Best known as a winter wonderland, Furano is a top draw for snow bunnies once the ski season comes around. But the rest of the year is no less exciting. With some of Japan’s best fruit and milk, the neighbouring Hokkaido towns of Biei and Furano offer a delectable smorgasbord of tasting experiences........