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  3. Recycled Houses

Recycled Houses

You may have come across the term "Recycled Houses" when doing research on Furano, and wonder what they might be.

These were set houses built for an old, very long-running TV show called Kita no Kuni Kara (From the North Country). Although the show stopped production more than 20 years ago, the set houses continue to draw hundreds of visitors a day. When the beloved main character passed away a few years ago, many thousands came to pay their respects at "his" house.

Even if you're not familiar with the show, some of the set houses are quite fun to visit. The "Recycled Houses" are homes that he "built" on the show with "whatever materials" he could lay his hands on. They are quite whimsical and creative, and make you think you too could build a funky house. They are also an excellent example of Re-Use of many common materials and items.