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  3. Daisetsuzan Grand Traverse

Daisetsuzan Grand Traverse

Daniel and Marcell from Switzerland
Daniel and Marcell from Switzerland
Filling up from the famous Genshigarhara spring.
Filling up from the famous Genshigarhara spring.

The Daisetsuzan Grand Traverse is a challenging multi-day hike with a great name. This is a 6-8 day hike along the spine of the Tokachidake Range. Rigorous, exposed, occasional challenging water issues -- it's everything serious multi-day hikers are looking for at the low oxygen-charged altitude of just over 2000 meters. Don't let the number fool you. The valley floor is at 200 meters, and these are seriously rugged mountains.

The pictures show Daniel and Marcell from Switzerland as they set off on their trek.

Check out the link to Hokkaido Wilds below for more information.

See you in Furano.