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  3. Furano Heso Matsuri (Navel Festival)

Furano Heso Matsuri (Navel Festival)

Getting painted up for the parade
Getting painted up for the parade
Japanese Drum Performance
Japanese Drum Performance
Baby crawling contest
Baby crawling contest

Yes, it's that wonderful time of the year to enjoy the annual Furano Heso Matsuri (Navel Festival). Why a navel festival? Deep in the mists of time, a mere 56 years ago, Furano decided to have a cool festival of their own. As Furano is the geographical center of Hokkaido, and the navel is the center of the body, voile! Genius was born in the shape of a Navel Festival.

It's fun. It's lighthearted. It's definitely kooky.

And the best part of the whole thing is that YOU TOO can be in the festival! Yes, come, pay modest fee, and get your torso painted up like you never imagined, learn the dance, and you are in the photo op of a lifetime! Space is limited to about 50 people per day, so be sure to sign up and get yourself painted at around 3:00 -- 5:00 PM on either day of the festival.

See your heso in Furano.