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  3. Aerial Adventures

Aerial Adventures

Tethered hot air balloon ride at sunset.
Tethered hot air balloon ride at sunset.
Powered Paraglider take off
Powered Paraglider take off

For those looking for excitement, Furano offers two aerial adventures -- hot air balloon and powered paragliding.

The powered paragliding offers a unique view of Furano and the thrill of flying like a bird. Passengers are attached to the pilot and experience the thrill of a lifetime. Flights are offered by MPG Sorachi.

The hot air balloon flights are operated by Asobiya, and are offered in the early morning and late evening. In the summer, these flights are tethered and offer a fantastic view of the Furano valley and the Tokachidake mountains. In the winter, various companies offer true hot air balloon free flights. Take off at one end of the valley and fly to the other with magical winter views.

All flights are of course subject to weather conditions.

See you in Furano.