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  3. Got Onions? Need Onions?

Got Onions? Need Onions?

Harvested onions stacked up
Harvested onions stacked up
Onion field ready to harvest
Onion field ready to harvest
Empty onion crates
Empty onion crates

One of the main crops grown in Furano is onions. We grow a LOT of onions around here. Like, a lot, a lot. More than you'll ever eat in your entire life. More than you can actually imagine.

Onions are funny to see because just before harvest, the plant turns brown and falls over. Then they are ready to be scooped up. In the pics, you'll see large crates of onions. Just in Furano, we harvest about 40,000 of those crates every year.

That is a LOT of onions. See you in Furano.