Tourist Information
One of the challenges of skiing in Japan is the lack of English info about the slopes. S..
Furano is surrounded by nature and is home to many wild animals. Wild animals are meant ..
Spring Skiing is in full swing in Furano. The snow is fantastic, the crowds have drop..
Another musical event will happen this weekend featuring a classical Japanese instrument..
Looking for something interesting to do in the evening after a day on the mountain? Try ..
Do you have any plans for Furano trip?? Where? what's to do? What's waiting you??? He..
Believe it or not, spring is just around the least according to the calendar..
Many winter visitors comment on the many greenhouses dotting the fields around Furano. W..
Friday, Feb 28 is going to unseasonably warm, perhaps up to 8 C. The snow is at its maxi..
When you live in the Hokkaido Powder Belt, you get a LOT of snow. Shoveling around your ..
The Furano Ski Resort has six backcountry access gates for those wanting to get out and ..
It's that time of year again...time for the Mid-Winter Beer Party!! This annual shind..